
11 September 2019

Great and Small Prespa lake - Immerse yourself in the world's loveliest lakes

Joe Minihane from Daily Mail UK mentioned Great and Small Prespa lake in his recent article, as one of the most beautiful lakes in the world that he recommends to visit.

His choice felt on the chosen lakes of the world while making his boat trips  - lakes where he felt the calm of the water married with the dramatic background of mountains or beaches.

"Great and Small Prespa lake, with banks in Albania, North Macedonia, and Greece, are among Europe's most tectonic lakes at one million years old, which offer the chance for a truly idyllic, off-the-beaten-path escape. The area of wetlands is a mecca for birdwatchers. Cormorants and herons are easy to spot, as it is the huge Dalmatian pelican.

Visitors to Great Prespa should take a traditional boat, called a place, out on the moody water, with the mountains of the Balkans glowering overhead."

Read full article here: