
19 December 2016

City of Himara, Albania among to 6 Balkans destinations for 2017- by

Vogue: The sleepy town of Himarë awaits you
This time Himare, Albania is among 6 Non-Touristy Balkans Destinations That Should Top Your 2017 Travel Lists by Vogue. It seems that the town of Himara and beaches on the Ionian Sea has captured the attention of Michaela Trimble, a travel writer and photographer who works for Vogue. Vogue describes Himara as a town which offers dramatic scenery and beautiful beaches. If you go outside Himara, you will find so much to see and do, enjoying the panoramic view from coastal Mountains and if you want you can hike and cycle in the wild.

Llamani beach 

“On the Albanian Riviera, the sleepy town of Himarë awaits: Situated on the Ionian Sea and an accessible base point to sparsely visited alcoves like Gjipea Beach and Grama Bay, this town offers dramatic scenery you won’t tire of. The Ceraunian Mountains serve as the backdrop to crystal-clear beaches, and local outfitters like Zbulo deliver travelers to the nearby Llogara National Park, a stomping ground for those seeking to hike and cycle in the wild and spot indigenous species like native wolves, wildcats, and eagles. During a visit, meander up and down the Southern Albanian Coast, opting for a stay at Drymades Inn in Dhermi or Jaroal Hotel in Saranda. Roam the streets of Himarë to find a café that calls to you, and don’t miss a chance to dine at Veranda in neighboring Qeparo, where you can enjoy a homemade meal alfresco, underneath a blanket of shade trees and ivy.”
Mountain view, Albanian riviera 

01 September 2016

Da Bologna all’Albania-Cronaca di una vacanza non prevista

Another article written by an Italian young woman, Antonella, traveling with her friends for the first time. She finds Albania to have beautiful beaches and very tasty organic food with affordable prices.

Chi l’avrebbe detto, anche solo un anno fa, che mi sarei ritrovata a lavorare in Albania? L’Albania…a due passi dall’Italia, ché se ti “affacci” dalla Puglia la vedi lì, dall’altra parte dell’Adriatico, e che qualcuno ancora immagina come il selvaggio “w”est! Be’, sì, a volte si vedono cavalli per le strade, ma trasportano tranquillamente merci e ortaggi, non sono lanciati alla carica! Sono lo specchio di un Paese che va a due velocità: da un lato i ritmi lenti di un mondo contadino, fatto di persone che si svegliano all’alba per raggiungere le città e vendere i prodotti che hanno coltivato nelle loro campagne, fortunatamente ancora genuini e biologici senza la pretesa di essere merce d’élite (sì, qua puoi comprare BIO senza dover scegliere se mangiare sano o pagare le bollette!); dall’altra parte automobili costose, grattacieli, imprese all’avanguardia, ragazzi/e che hanno studiato all’estero o nella capitale, Tirana, e che hanno portato una ventata di aria nuova, con lo sguardo caparbiamente rivolto all’Europa. In sei mesi qui ho capito che c’è ancora molto da fare per raggiungere i cosiddetti “standard occidentali”, ma più di una volta ho avuto modo di considerare che nei 25 anni che hanno seguito la caduta del regime comunista l’Albania si è mossa a grandi passi verso una democrazia che, se non ancora completamente matura, in termini assoluti regge bene il confronto con l’Italia.
Fino a qualche tempo fa solo pochi temerari si avventuravano da queste parti facendo il “salto” dalla Puglia o prendendo la via più lunga, attraverso la Croazia e il Montenegro. Io ho passato un mesetto del presente anno a tessere le lodi delle spiagge albanesi, della possibilità di fare vacanze low cost (retaggio da ex studenti squattrinati, ma che per noi funziona ancora, per piacere o per necessità!) e soprattutto di capretti arrosto e home made raki, e  ho convinto i miei amici a volare/navigare verso la Terra della Aquile (quanta poesia in questo nome!)
A nostra disposizione un’indistruttibile Mercedes del 1988, una grande casa di campagna in mezzo a un uliveto che si affaccia sul mare Ionio e un barbecue. Il segreto della felicità insomma! Il primo giorno l’Albania ha dato prova della facilità e della molteplicità di mezzi con cui può essere raggiunta: prima tappa aeroporto di Tirana per andare a prendere l’amica in arrivo da Bologna. Gli abbracci e i saluti ad altissima voce non hanno nulla da invidiare agli albanesi caciaroni: ci confondiamo bene tra i locals! Seconda tappa: porto di Durazzo, in arrivo da Bari sbarcano in due e stanno già progettando di continuare la vacanza con il gruppo di signori e signore albanesi di ritorno a casa per l’estate e che per tutta la notte gli hanno offerto cibo delizioso e li hanno iniziati alla raffinata arte del domino! Prendiamo in affitto un’altra auto (che ovviamente non ha nulla del fascino della Mercedes) e ci dirigiamo a Valona per incontrare un’altra amica. È arrivata il giorno prima ed è rimasta ospite in casa dei suoceri di suo fratello: sì, per ora l’impressione non è quella di essere in un altro Stato, ma di essersi spostati a solo qualche chilometro da casa, verso San Lazzaro di Savena!
La prima notte la passiamo in un ostello di Valona, allestito in una vecchia casa in stile coloniale a un piano, con un accogliente giardino e un albero di fichi dal quale attingiamo fino a stare male! Il proprietario è gentilissimo e la sua accoglienza ci lascia davvero senza parole. Ambiziosi progetti per il giorno dopo: svegliarsi alle 7 e andare all’isola di Zvërnec (leggi “Svernez”) per vedere il monastero bizantino del XIII secolo. Alle 9 ancora nessun accenno di movimento, la stanza è buia e io, con coraggio spalanco la finestra facendo entrare l’aria del mattino. Colazione a base di fichi (facciamo presto a dimenticare il mal di pancia della sera prima!), formaggio, cetrioli e pomodori. Foto di rito davanti all’ostello e via, alle 11 siamo in strada. Il ponte di legno costruito per raggiungere l’isola di Zvërnec, e che attraversa la Laguna di Narta, si interrompe a metà ed è necessario prendere una barca a remi,  ci sentiamo molto bucolici…! Dopo aver esplorato l’isolotto (una meraviglia! Avrei voluto avere più tempo a disposizione), ci rimettiamo in macchina con in mente il miraggio di Llogara e del delizioso yogurt di pecora del quale abbiamo sentito parlare. Gli amici italiani hanno qualche difficoltà a guidare per i tornanti che raggiungono il passo di Llogara – pivellini! – ma sono temerari e vengono premiati: lo yogurt non era una leggenda e delizia i nostri palati superando di gran lunga le nostre aspettative! Continueremo a parlarne nei giorni successivi, chiedendoci afflitti: “Perché, perché non ne abbiamo fatto una scorta??” . Ci fermiamo ad ammirare il panorama della costa ionica e davanti alle facce incredule dei miei amici io mi sento un sacco orgogliosa di poter dire che questa terra la sento già un po’ mia.
Arriviamo a Borsh che è già sera ormai. La prima cosa che vediamo è l’amaca tesa tra un albero di prugne e un ulivo nel giardino della casa che abbiamo affittato; facciamo a gara per accaparrarcela! Qualcuno progetta già di passare le vacanze là sopra. I più intraprendenti/iperattivi accendono il barbecue per la prima solenne grigliata; altri vanno a esplorare i dintorni e tornano indietro portando chili di fichi. Ancora?!
A meno di un chilometro di distanza, camminando lungo una strada sterrata che passa in mezzo a un uliveto e che condividiamo con greggi di capre curiose e qualche mucca poco amichevole e le loro cacche, c’è il mare: trasparente, calmo e pulito. Borsh non è ancora meta per i turisti internazionali ed è per questo che l’abbiamo scelta come base per la nostra vacanza. Noi però vogliamo esplorare e il giorno dopo andiamo a Porto Palermo, dove con occhio di lince una di noi vede una spiaggetta solitaria dal finestrino. Piantiamo l’ombrellone tutti contenti come fosse una bandiera! Abbiamo conquistato un pezzetto di paradiso: c’è l’acqua più trasparente e pulita che io abbia mai visto!
Al tramonto decidiamo di andare a vedere la fortezza di Ali Pasha a Porto Palermo, esploriamo ogni angolo del castello e quando la fame inizia a farsi sentire andiamo a colpo sicuro in un ristorante di Borsh che pare abbia dell’ottimo pesce e che ha i tavoli distribuiti su varie piattaforme ai lati delle quali scorrono cascatelle di acqua di fonte. Wow! L’acqua scorrendo fa rumore ma va bene uguale, basta solo urlare un po’ più del normale. Sembra di stare in mezzo alla natura.  Il cameriere è un simpaticone e vedendo la nostra indecisioni su cosa ordinare si siede con noi – nonostante il ristorante sia abbastanza pieno – e  inizia a decantare le lodi dell’orata alla brace. Non ci vuole molto per convincerci… “Shtatë koce!”. Cala il silenzio durante la cena: troppo impegnati a gustare il pesce squisito per poter parlare.
La mattina dopo la nostra meta è Qeparo. Passando dalle scale esterne di un hotel distribuito a gradoni su una collina (dopo aver chiesto il permesso alla proprietaria, cuoca, tuttofare della struttura), raggiungiamo un’altra piccola spiaggia nascosta tra due promontori pieni di piante tipiche del mediterraneo (io mi chiedo perché non sono ancora riuscita a veder fichi d’india però!). Il mare oggi è un po’ mosso, ma noi passiamo il tempo giocando a domino. Abbiamo pure imparato a litigare e sbattere le tessere (che però non fanno abbastanza rumore sugli asciugamani) come i vecchi signori albanesi che di solito si vedono giocare su qualsiasi superficie si presti allo scopo in mezzo ai parchi cittadini.
 La prima parte della vacanza passa così, tra spiagge segrete, mari cristallini, grigliate, un indefinito numero di bicchieri di raki, capre e piccoli maiali che vengono a farci visita nel giardino di casa e che noi immaginiamo cotti in varie salse…
Dopo cinque giorni è arrivato il momento di separarsi: due di noi prendono la via del ritorno, con un po’ di malinconia noialtri continuiamo la vacanza e ci spostiamo a Saranda per un paio di giorni. Dalla selvaggia e incontaminata Borsh arriviamo in una città piena di luci e rumori che nonostante il disastro edilizio fatto negli ultimi anni ha comunque un suo fascino. Passiamo il pomeriggio sulla piccola spiaggia della città alle spalle della quale il lungomare inizia a riempirsi di bancarelle di souvenir (tra di queste degna di nota è quella del signore che incide a fuoco ritratti di persone, donne nude e facce di Skanderbeg – l’eroe nazionale albanese – su pelli di capra!) e la sera andiamo al porto, nella punta estrema del golfo, a osservare le luci della città da lontano, sgranocchiando pannocchie arrostite, il must dell’estate (insieme allo yogurt di pecora e ai fichi of course)!
Meta del penultimo giorno è Ksamil. Dopo un pranzo degno di nota con ben quattro ore a mangiare pesce freschissimo, seduti in un ristorante (no, non abbiamo acquisito le usanze albanesi, anche gli italiani sono noti per i lunghissimi pranzi con numero indefinito di portate) affacciato su Corfù, scendiamo soddisfatti e con le panze piene in spiaggia. Sono le quattro di pomeriggio e la gente inizia ad andar via. Facciamo il bagno nelle acque calde di questo posto che ricorda davvero un atollo dei Caraibi e possiamo goderci una spiaggia semideserta approfittando delle sdraio per le quali ormai nessuno ci chiede di pagare. Furbissimi!
Il giorno dopo partiamo per tornare a casa. Ci fermiamo all’Occhio azzurro, Syri i Kalter in albanese. Una sorgente di acqua purissima che sgorga dal sottosuolo e che risalendo verso l’alto forma un fiume. È un posto magico e meraviglioso! Noi siamo coraggiosi e ci tuffiamo nel suo blu intenso e gelido!
Dopo la carica energetica che l’acqua freddissima ci ha dato, ci dirigiamo verso Gjirokaster per visitare il castello e scattare le foto del bellissimo panorama che si vede tutt’attorno e, ovviamente, sull’aereo americano posteggiato in cima al castello. Pranziamo in un piccolo mengjiesore gestito da due anziani signori: lei cucina e lui serve ai tavoli. Offrono semplici piatti locali: byrek, qofte, formaggio bianco tipo feta arrostito, tutto delizioso ed economico soprattutto. Insomma, il cibo è il leitmotiv della nostra vacanza!
Arriviamo a Elbasan che è sera inoltrata, ci aspetta una cena di benvenuto a casa dei genitori del mio ragazzo, nella migliore tradizione albanese le portate non si riescono a contare!
Il giorno dopo io rientro lavoro e i miei amici ne approfittano per esplorare Tirana prima di tornare in Italia. La città li entusiasma con i suoi colori, rumori, traffico pazzo e piramide e bunkers segni di quel passato non troppo lontano che affascina e incuriosisce chi viene dall’altra parte del mare.
Che dire? La vacanza migliore, più gustosa ed economica di sempre!


acqua cristalina 

Blue Eye, Saranda, Albania

Zvernec, Valona
Scritto da Antonella, Bologna Italy 

29 August 2016

Students from USA clean Potami beach in Himara, Albania

A group of students from Northwestern University visited Albania from 25-27 August 2016 in a program tour organized by Albania Holidays DMC. The arrived to Vlora by ferry from Lecce Italy, where they spent 4 days in cultural  as well as outdoor and culinary tour.

American students spent  3 days and two nights  in Saranda with a very intense program with mixed activities. On the first day, part of their program was to “clean the beach”.
Albania Holidays, the tour organiser talked to the municipality of Himara about the project and received  their support. Students were provided  with  plastic bags  and gloves, as well as instruction where to dispose the waste. They spent half of the day to clean the Potami beach.

On their stay in Albania, students  enjoyed a visit to Butrint as well  outdoor activities like hiking, sea kayaking and sunbathing in the beautiful beaches of our Riviera.  

It is not the first time that foreign students include in their school program, visiting Albania and doing activities to support communities.
Albania Holidays, takes this opportunity to thank the Northwestern University students for their contribution and Municipality of Himara for the support.

Albanian Universities and schools should also embed such initiatives. It is good for them and the country as well.

15 August 2016

Albania is a completely unique country. 10 reasons to visit it!

Before I was offered a job in Albania, I couldn't even find this country on a map. Now that I've lived here for a year, I am absolutely convinced that everyone should know about this amazing country. Are you planning your next adventure abroad? Before you jetset to another crowded city somewhere, consider adding this unique Balkan country to your itinerary.

1. Albania is spectacularly cheap
With fresh seafood dinners costing around $5 , your wallet will love this Mediterranean destination. With a low cost of living, accommodation at nice hotels is also inexpensive: many hotels charge between $40-$50 a night, with upscale resorts only putting you out $80 or $90. Transportation is also cheap, with local buses costing around a dollar to ride between cities. Albania is a country where you can budget cheaply and still live like royalty.

2. The Albanian Alps
The Albanian alps, the name of which translates to the “Accursed Mountains” due to their rocky, untamed terrain, offer breathtaking views in one of the most remote areas of Europe. Jagged peaks, snow-capped mountains, and unbelievably crystal clear waters all reward the intrepid traveler who ventures into the north of Albania.

3. Albania is like a living time capsule
Traveling in Albania, you might get the impression that someone hit the “pause” button on Albanian culture in the 1950’s. Having been closed to the world for so long, the older generations still dress and live as they did 50 years ago. And while the cities have hardly changed in the last few decades, the villages have hardly changed in the last few centuries. It's a fascinating glimpse into a different pace of life that has largely been left behind in the modern world.

4. Albania offers a rich taste of the unspoiled Mediterranean
Like its famous neighbor Greece to the south, Albania borders the glittering cerulean waters of the Adriatic and Ionian seas. A rich span of coastline known as the Albanian Riveria boasts numerous quiet, undiscovered beaches all along the south of the country. The residents of coastal cities like Vlore, Sarande, and Dhermi easily enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean, and they have it all to themselves.

5. Albanians are kind and helpful
A few months ago, when my car blew a flat tire on the side of the road, a wonderful local man changed it in under ten minutes— and refused to be paid for his labor! Just last weekend I purchased some groceries from a local shop, but quickly realized I didn’t have enough money to pay for them all. Unfazed, the kind shopkeeper insisted that I take home the groceries anyway and bring back the money the next day. I am still blown away by their selfless generosity and willingness to help.

6. Albania is very safe
As a female traveler in Albania, I have always felt perfectly safe. Families and solo travelers alike are able to travel freely without being bothered. Albanians pride themselves on their hospitality, so foreigners are welcomed here. While travelers should always remain aware of their surroundings, Albania is definitely one of the safest places I’ve ever traveled in.

7. The amount of ancient history here is staggering
Having been occupied since pre-history, Albania has artifacts from thousands of years of some of the world’s greatest empires. Wandering through any town here, you might just stumble across ancient ruins from the Romans, Greeks, Byzantines, Venetians, Illyrians, Ottomans, and more! History buffs will definitely love the rich width and depth of historical sites and cultural influences found in this region of the world.

8. Albania proudly boasts multiple UNESCO World Heritage Sites
...including Butrint, an archeological site previously inhabited by the Romans and the Greeks, and Berat and Gjirokastra, two “museum cities” and fabulous examples of Ottoman architecture. Other Albanian sites currently in the UNESCO candidacy stages include the Durres Amphitheater, Lake Ohrid, and Apollonia, all of which are now undergoing repairs, promotions, or renovations.

9. Albania is a completely unique country
You will never visit another country like Albania. It is a beautiful contradiction of charm and grit alike, celebrating its very own unique heritage and history. It proudly claims the ancestry of celebrities like pop singer Rita Ora, actors Jim and John Belushi, and Mother Theresa. Albania even has its very own branch on the language tree, completely unrelated to any other language on earth! This is a unique country reserved not just for travelers, but for adventurers.
And last but not least, the most important reason to visit Albania…

10. Albania is emerging as a top tourist destination
..and is consistently landing high spots on international travel lists, such as Rough Guide’s “Top 10 Places to Visit in 2016.” Albania has also been dubbed the “best kept secret in the Mediterranean” by the UK’s Telegraph, and the “hidden bargain of the Balkans” by the Daily Mail. With the world gradually taking notice of the treasures Albania has to offer, I highly recommend you travel there before the secret gets out!

Author: Briana Averwater

18 July 2016

Albania: a coast that resembles the Caribbean by Mediaset/TGCOM24

The online newspaper of Mediaset has dedicated an article for Albanian beaches, which they compare to Caribbean with tittle: "Albania: una costa che assomiglia ai Caraibi"

This how TGCOM24 describes Albania: “Still a diamond in the rough, but with very beautiful facets. It seems this is the image that is most suited to Albania, a country a little 'snubbed from the tourists but that hides landscapes of great beauty, beaches that look like those of the Caribbean, great hospitality.”
Here are some of the most beautiful places for a seaside holiday in Albania that, rest assured, will surprise you.  Email us now at: to book your tour to Albania

Vlora, history and beaches

Vlora is one of the oldest cities in Albania. It was founded in the sixth century BC with the name of Aulon. In 733 it was annexed in Constantinople belonged then to the Normans, and the kingdom of Serbia since 1345. In 1464 it was conquered by the Turks and, for a short time and was also Venetian.
Not far from here is the beach Vlora, Jal which is located in the south of the city, just a few kilometers from the most famous of Drymades , near the village of Vuno. A small beach lovely and very quiet, sandy, bathed by beautiful turquoise waters of crystalline transparency. Drymades is a charm: the beautiful bay of golden sand where you can camp or rent a bungalow and enjoy one of the spectacular sunsets of this characteristic trait of Albania.
The Cave of Pirates
The Beach Livadhi , at the foot of the castle of the city, framed by thick vegetation behind and rock walls on either side: even the sea here is exceptionally transparent, evidence of a still preserved nature. Here the range of accommodation is the richest of the coast. Many restaurants of Himara are managed by offering tasty and inexpensive dishes based on fish, squid and shrimp. 
Next to the old village Dhermi and full of attractions with beautiful crescent beach, here it is small and charming bays, Shkambo , Jaliksari and Gjipea, stretching for about two kilometers. Do not miss the Cave of the Pirates that once gave shelter to the predators of the sea and now famous for the intimacy of his cloaked space of intense blue.

14 July 2016

Walking in the miracle of Albanian Alps

"Boom on a once enchanted place". The beautiful of Northern Albania has captured the eye of a German journalist, Florian Sanktjohanser, who wrote a whole article published at online magazine “NWZ Online”. He describes the mountains of Northern Albania as a long been forgotten corner, poorer even than the rest of the run-down state. But now more tourists venture into the picturesque valleys. There it looks like in the Alps 200 years ago. During his journey he met local people and has unveiled their lifestyle in the villages. The top staggering places mentioned in the article are: the city of Shkodra, Thethi village, Valbona Valley and Lake Koman.
"The foreigners are asking to buy "The tower of vendetta", known as “Kulla e Ngujimit’ who has guarded my family for 400 years. But I would not give up the tradition," says Sokol Nikolle Koçeku, the owner of this tower. The tower survived during the rule of the Ottomans and the Communists, and is one of the few such historic houses in Albania. Now I will not let this place to be sacrificed to the latest invasion: the onslaught of tourists. The Kulla is in Theth, a village in the "Cursed Mountains" in far north of Albania. It is a wild area where the Kanun, the tradition of common law governs life even in these days. The people here have been extremely poor for centuries. But now a small miracle happens: Since a few years, more and more tourists come walking in the Albanian Alps. And with them sweep the people,( who left the area for years), back to their villages.
In the well-kept pedestrianized area, you can see young Westerners sit in cafes, walk to the fortress, or book their ferry for the next morning to Valbona Valley. For the fastest and most stunning way to the Valbona Valley leads over the Koman dam. 
Valbona Valley: Since 2007, the Valbona National Park is in guidebooks. Albanian television crews came and turned documentaries about the ancient traditions. Even more important was that the only road was pave into the valley. Since then, the number of day-trippers has increased rapidly. "Valbona has for many Albanians something mystical. In July and August rose at least 50 hikers per day up to the pass. And every year would more.
Thethi Village: ‘I think no place where human beings live has given me such an impression of majestic isolation from the entire world. It is a spot where the centuries shrivel; the river might be the world’s well-spring, its banks the fit home of elemental instincts–passions that are red and rapid’, the English writer Edith Durham wrote in early 20th century about Theth. The "majestic" can continue to let them stand until almost 2700m, the craggy peaks on.  At least the residents of Theth have preserved their traditional architecture. Most houses are built of stone and covered with shingles. And the church, destroyed during the atheistic republic, was restored thanks to wealthy Albanians in the diaspora.
Read full article: 

12 July 2016

Business Insider: There is no better time to visit Albania than now

Locked between dramatic mountain faces and azure blue seas; it’s nothing short of a miracle that Albania hasn’t made it onto the mainstream tourist trail yet.
Shqipëria” to the locals, it’s known to its natives as the land of the eagles, a moniker adopted from folklore tales passed down from generation to generation. They tell of how a young Albanian saved an eaglet from certain death at the fangs of a venomous snake. And it’s that willingness to do things for others that sums up the spirit of the country.
Albanians are known for their hospitality, kindness, and affinity for knocking back glasses of homemade Raki. The days of communist dictatorship are a distant memory for all but a few. Albania is looking ahead to a brighter future. There is no better time to visit than now. 
The author of article, the blogger Tiny Rucksack suggest 5 places in Albania that everyone should visit. Here they are:
Tucked between the Tomorr mountain (which locals claim to be the resting body of a fallen giant) and the Osum river, Berat is the jewel in the crown of Albania. Home to 60,000 people, many of whom tell tales of being forced to work in the munitions tunnels carved by the Communist government into nearby hills. It’s a town of two halves – the winding medieval white-washed streets cut a course on the right bank of the river, while an altogether more modern settlement is the hub of the town on the left bank.
High above the town lies its castle – a fortress built to protect the town and her inhabitants from Byzantine raiders. Once it was a front line of wars between powerful empires vying for control. Now a slippery marble paved road keeps all but the most determined flip-flop clad tourists from reaching the top.Consecutive invasions of Berat have left the town with a mixture of architecture. The Turks brought their influence, as did the Communists. An interesting mish-mash of styles pleasing to the eye, and the camera.

                    Valbona National Park
Misty mountains and alpine streams dominate in this untouched corner of europe’s unexplored country. The traditional way of life is slowly changing in the steep-sided valleys. Farmers are turning their hand to hosting trekkers looking for adventure.
The region borders Kosovo, territory fiercely claimed by both Serbs and ethnic Albanians. It’s home to wild dog,  wolves, and some say bears. But don’t let this put you off. The mountains offer fantastic trekking, climbing and camping.

Albania is becoming a stoic pinpoint on the map for travellers from around the globe. New roads are being built, hotels are under construction, and the country is planning to build a second airport, at Kukës – development which’ll make getting to northern Albania much easier, and visiting a more attractive prospect.

                The “not to be missed” Lake Koman ferry
A ride along Lake Koman is only comparable to a trip on the Norwegian fjords. Bottle green trees meet the waters edge along the breathtaking route.  The landlocked lake through the ‘accursed mountains’ is actually a hydro-electric damn, but also forms part of an ancient route from Kosovo to Albania. The rickety ferry stutters into life several times a day, passing which scenery has to be seen to be believed.
photographers dream, the landscape could have been plucked from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Mountains tower above the lake as it weaves its way to Fierza. It’s a route used by tourists and locals alike – meaning it’s a great chance to practice pigeon Albanian (or sit back, have a beer and take in the views). 
Lake Koman is the most scenic route to travel to the Valbona National Park from Shkodër. It has been described as “one of the world’s great boat trips”.

This sleepy fishing village on facing out toward the Ionian Sea remains relatively untouched by Aussie backpackers flaunting flip-flops and tales of far-flung lands. Sea food restaurants line the sea front enjoying unspoilt views over the town’s beach.
 Less than half an hour’s stroll away from the Xhiro is ‘Albania’s Ibiza’ – Jala. Toned men and bikini-clad women descend on the beach to drink at its bars, swim in crystal clear waters and ‘be seen’ during the summer month. It’s a world away from the serenity of the surrounding villages.
Reminders of Albania’s communist dictatorship past are ever present.  On a clear day the Greek island of Corfu is visible – too visible for those once in Tirana’s corridors of power awaiting an imminent invasion which never came. The now defunct fortifications line the roads leading between the coastal towns and villages.

                                         Tirana – the capital city
Probably Europe’s weirdest capital city. At first glance Tirana doesn’t have a huge amount to offer a wondering soul, but its quirkiness makes it worth at least a day stop-off. The International Center of Culture (or the Pyramid of Tirana) tops the Albania’s list of the weird and wonderful. Opened in October 1988 was intended to be a museum to Enver Hoxha – the leader of Albania’s communist cult. The pyramid new sits empty and derelict. It’s an ad hoc climbing frame for plucky locals and tourists hoping to get that “perfect selfie”.
Tirana of the centre of Albanian life. Smartly dressed men and women weave their way between the chaotic traffic like in any other European capital. It’s the home of the country’s night life, especially the Blokku area, a section of town formerly reserved for the country’s elite.

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